Using the GliderFlight module

How to use the GliderFlight module is probably best done with a worked example.

First we need some data to work with. Let’s say we have some data files from a Slocum glider. Typically, we would work with the high-density data files, and would need to have access to the engineering data, which are stored in files with the dbd extension, and science data, which are stored in files with the ebd extension. In this example, we use dbdreader to read the glider files. The Python module dbdreader can be installed from PyPi using pip3 install --user dbdreader or install from source from github

import numpy as np

import dbdreader
dbd = dbdreader.MultiDBD(pattern = "/path/to/data/*.[de]bd")

Now we have a handle to the data files, we need to extract the required parameters. From the engineering data, we need the pitch and the buoyancy drive. From the science data, we need the CTD parameters. Instead of relying on the time of publishing, we take the ctd sampling time sci_ctd41cp_timestamp. Occasionally, the CTD fields contain data that have not been sampled, and default values are returned. These default values can be detected from time stamps to be zero, for example. After reading the values, we simply remove odd ones.

tmp = dbd.get_sync("sci_ctd41cp_timestamp", "sci_water_temp", "sci_water_cond", "sci_water_pressure", "m_pitch", "m_ballast_pumped")
_, tctd, T, C, P, pitch, buoyancy_change = np.compress(tmp[1]>0, tmp, axis=1)

Since version 0.4.0 of dbdreader we can also MultiDBD’s method get_CTD_sync():

tctd, T, C, P, pitch, buoyancy_change = dbd.get_CTD_sync("m_pitch", "m_ballast_pumped")

In the example, we used the sensor name m_ballast_pumped, which is appropriate for a shallow glider. When data from a deep glider were used, the name should be replaced by m_de_oil_vol.

One of the input parameters to the glider flight model is the in-situ density. So let’s compute that one first. For this, we use the Gibbs Seawater module, instllable using pip (for example, pip3 install --user gsw), or from source from Also, we need latitude and longitude information. This information could be retrieved from the glider parameters m_gps_lat and m_gps_lon, condensed into a single scalar, as an array of same length as T.

import gsw
# C is given in S/m, and P in bar
SP = gsw.SP_from_C(C*10, T, P*10)
SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, P*10, lon, lat)
rho = gsw.rho_t_exact(SA, T, P*10)

Now we have density, we can pack all the required data into a dictionary:

data = dict(time = tctd, pressure = P, pitch = m_pitch, buoyancy_change=buoyancy_change, density=density)

Most likely, you would want to use that data to calibrate some model coefficients that change from depolyment to deployment, such as the glider volume, and drag coefficient. To that end, we create an instance from the SteadyStateCalibrate class. and populate it with the data we have got.

import gliderflight

gm = gliderflight.SteadyStateCalibrate(rho0=1024)
# or, alternatively
# gm.set_input_data(tctd, P, pitch, buoyancy_change, rho)

When we calibrate a steady-state model, we don’t want to include data points were we know the steady-state model is invalid, such as around the transitions from down to up casts, and near the surface. Assuming that we have dive profiles down to 100 m, may discard the first 20 m, and the last 20 m of the dives when optimising the model against the observed pressure rate.

condition = np.logical_or(P*10<20, P*10>80)

Before we can start calibrating the model, we need to set glider and deployment specific model coefficients. Let’s say we weighted the glider and found its mass to be \(m_g=70\) kg. (If the mass of the glider is not know, it can be guessed. The calibration method will adjust the volume such that the glider density is correct. An error in the volume will have a small effect on the buoyancy force calculated. As long as the mass (or the volume) is correct withing a few percent, the errors involved are negligible.

So, we will set the mass and the volume. Also, we will set the parasite drag to a realistic value.

gm.define(mg=70.000, Vg=70e-3, Cd0=0.16)
if not gm.undefined_parameters():
    print("We still have undefined parameters...")

Now we’re good to run the calibration and store the results in calibration_result.

calibration_result = gm.calibrate("Vg", "Cd0")

upon which we should have a dictionary with the keys “Vg” and “Cd0” and their optimised values. The coefficients are also updated in the model itself. So, gm.Cd0 would return the same value as reported in the dictionary.

To the the glider flight results, such as angle of attack and incident water velocity, it is not necessary to solve the model again. So, all these parameters are accessible via gm.modelresult or using the properties t, ug, wg, alpha and U.

So, we could now plot the incident water velocity as function of time:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

ax.plot(gm.t, gm.U, label='Incident water velocity')
ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('U m s$^{-1}$')